love & friendship, the two truest gifts one can receive

It’s sort of symphonic I think. Like a good song or as some people say, “love at first sight.” That’s what I think of when I think of finding my very best friend at age 10.

She came out of a trailer dressed with red ribbons lining her mane on my tenth birthday, untrained and wild as ever but I loved her unconditionally. It wasn’t the first time I ever met her. My dad had been a real estate agent in the Orange County area and stumbled across a young woman and a man, Lisa and Nick, who owned three horses and needed a farm to put them. He set them up with a farm called Gardnertown in Newburgh, New York so it could buy them time to look for the perfect home and barn. I rode at Gardener Town Farm at the time and Raven was just under a year old prancing around in a paddock with her sister while I took lessons. I would give her carrots and play with her along the fence while my father showed the couple houses in the county. Lisa and Nick gave Raven to my father in place of commission and wah-la she was mine.

Horse shows, lessons and years later, Raven and I had been together through it all. Middle school, high school, my parent’s divorce, each relationship I was in, my first broken heart, being in love, community college and at last, moving to Fredonia to finish out my last three years of college. She was there for everything.

Raven was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky and she is a pure bred appaloosa, yup that’s right, no spots! We started out English, competiting in ground pole classes and eventually competiting in cross rail classes. Hunter jumper classes came a few years later, competiting in shows with 2′ to 2’6″ rails. Since I’ve owned her we have boarded at eight barns, five in Orange County and three in western New York. I personally have had four trainers.

I know some people say, “horses aren’t really a part of the family,” but it’s hard for me to say she isn’t. In high school I lost a few friends and watched others take dark roads. I’d like to think Raven was there for me as a silent friend to keep me in line. She kept me outside, never in front of a game system and she was a place to go whenever I needed someone. Warm breath, silk nose and friendly head nudges, even now at age 21 I still appreciate everywhere we have taken each other.

bath time!

my first horse and my first saddle all in the same day, September 2000

bundled up on a cold day, my first few years with Raven

shortly after her arrival, one and a half years old

brushing Rave to calm her down on her first day with me

Showing together when I was in my teens

loving it

sharing a kiss